CIS-1020-017 Computer Essentials

Computer Essentials (CL) [CIS–1020–120]

This page contains all of my files necessary for the “FINAL PROJECT FOR CIS 1020 E-PORTFOLIO”. (Fall 2011)


  • In this class (CIS-1020) I’ve expanded my understanding of networks and some deeper details into Microsoft Office. Through the use of Windows 7 my opinion of Microsoft has improved since this version seems to have solved many of my prior complaints with earlier versions of Windows. Microsoft 2007 and 2010 differ slightly for the novice user but did improve in 2010 with the re-added feature of being able to change your menus freely. I do have some reservations about problems in Excel 2010 as related to conditional formatting and the filter missing lines of the color being filtered by. Microsoft blames it on the changes coming related to bits expanding. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then you probably won’t notice it. I plan on using the knowledge I’ve gained to make me more efficient in working with the computer. To create better content of files as opposed to longer time creating files.


  • A) Word Project Document – Internet Assignment Fall 2011 COMPLETED An odd first assignment of my CIS 1020 class. Odd because it forced me expand how I used the internet. With the progression of this class I’m been amazed by how many things can be done completely off of the internet or remotely accessed. Oh the possibilities are just bubbling up. With more information, come more knowledge, but so many more questions. I can’t wait to keep answering those questions.
  • B) Excel Project Document – Exploring_e04_Grader_IR This file is from my CIS 1020 class, in which I learned a few things about conditional formatting in Excel 2010. It is hard to teach me new things about excel since I’ve been using it for years, but there are a few changes in 2010 that I’m adapting too (like spark lines).
  • C) Opted to skip. (powerpoint)
  • D) Resume – Anthony Resume
  • E) about Me.  Grew up on loving physics (the way the world works), computers (the way the world could be), and legos (the model representation).   I’ve dedicated years to inventory management and manufacturing process. Started on a shop floor as a machine operator, worked into cycle counting, and receiving. Now I’m into the management of warehouse levels of multiple plants in the USA and one in Canada, not all of the warehouses for those plants but all related to my products.   More importantly I’ve dedicated years to my children and wife. They being the primary dedication, and work being the means to dedicate to them. And finally my own personal hobby of tomato growing. I see it as more of an art then hobby, but since it doesn’t make an economic impact to the world it’s best just considered a hobby.
  • F) Goals.  My main goal is to always be a good father. To accomplish such a task I have found life must be lived in balance. Light, Dark. Work, Play. Rules, Forgiveness. I’m hoping that advancing my education will help advance my career, and thusly advance my financial freedom to allow more time with my family.
  • G) List of General Education courses required for my degree. –  Computer_Information_Systems …and if continued to a Bachelor Degree – Weber-_Software_Engineering
  • H) The Student ePortfolio Handbook. –

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